Wednesday, July 16, 2008

That Cole Kid...

THOD's favorite Thespian, Fancy Pants, returns to the small screen. He can be seen everyday on the home of THOD's favorite show, "How I Met Your Mother," CBS. (Love the chigg in the black dress btw).

Fancy, aka Cole, final appearence on "As the THOD Turns" will be on Monday, July 21st and will be worth tuning in to see the following:

1) confess to killing my girlfriend and our unborn child with a syringe
2) shoot a nurse while attempting to steal drugs. before shooting her, I say, "Bad answer bitch."
3) kidnap a 50 year old woman, tie her to a chair, throw a table, and put a strangle hold on her
4) shoot up with a syringe
5) get tackled from behind and then put into a cop car. Bye Bye Cole!

And we thought a weekend in the AV was living the high life - Go Get'em Cole!

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Anonymous said...