Sunday, March 18, 2007


THOD has something that is worth passing along both literally and physically the next time you are in the car for an extended period of time with friends, perhaps in the midst of a long road trip, and even more perhaps after a long night of the drinking and whathaveyou and you might now be at your best, say, intestinally.

Bottom line: Your droppin bombs that are as potent and lethal as spending a weekend with Coach Cummy and the Club Secrets squad without a party hat.
Keep in mind, timing with this suggestion is of the essence.

First make sure the windows are on lock mode.

Second, and this is where the timing is critical, let the wind break from your behind with a vengeance, but make sure it is of the silent variety.

In the seconds between the gasser leaves your body and enters the unkempt nose hairs of our com-padres, recommend, "Does anyone know if there is a bakery around here? I can really smell freshly baked bread. Boy, that bread smells delicious. Take a good whiff, friends, do you smell that?

If they followed your instructions, at this time your friends should be a mouthful into tasting and inhaling some of the foulest flatulence found in Philadelphia.
**This story is complements of Scott Allan Goon.

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