Sunday, July 1, 2007


Although we only took 1 out of 4 from the Mets, and I was lucky enough to be there Sunday as YAH BOY J-Roll delivered, as well as YAH BOY Chase did with a big 2 out triple in the 7th.

I'll continue to say it, Chase very well could and should be the MVP. He is nothing short of, well, TITS!

Another thing I know is this, and it was proved to me in person on Sunday, although they may be 5 games up, the New York Met fan continues to prove to me that they are the ugliest people on the face of the earth, both inside and out.

Many of you have heard me relate or compare them to at best as a gnat or a turd, and that's being kind.

I truly believe that Mets fans were the kids that your friends tripped when they walked down the hall, the kid that ate by himself at lunch, and the kid that picked and ate his boogies without shame.

They have bad teeth, bad hygiene, bad hair, everyone of them have scars from a bout with acne in some point in their lives, and boy, do they love wearing that ugly jersey.

Do us all a favor huh? Make the world a better place and the next time you see one, punch a Mets fan in the face.
Your typical Mets fan? How about this guy. He loves the Mets. He fits the sterotype to at perfect T.

I hate him more than poison.

Lastly, for the one or two ladies that subscribe, its interesting to know that YAH BOY, #5 has finished first in something other than patheticness.

Take a look at the following link...

1 comment:

Yoder Lee said...

Hey buddy, let's endeavor to keep this a nudity-free blog, huh? I'm not saying it necessarily has to be family friendly, but many of our loyal readers keep up on the latest Happiest of Developments at the office, and I would hate to impede their enjoyment in any way.

If you must include pornography, link to it on a new page, clearly marked with the ever-intriguing NSFW label.

Thanks Chief.