Thursday, June 7, 2007

Muck the Fets

Mets Yarmulke ? Huge Yucka!

In other stupid Met news,

Three Okay, TWO Blind Mice: Jamie Moyer’s stirrups occasioned lots of oh-so-adorable banter in the Mets’ broadcast booth the other night. The chatter started after announcers approvingly noted that Moyer had busted it pretty hard while running out a ground ball.

Here’s the transcript:

Gary Cohen: Not only is he running hard, but he’s running hard in stirrups.

Ron Darling: Yes.

Cohen: We’ve gotta get a shot of Moyer’s feet at some point. Nobody wears stirrups anymore! Maybe a couple of old coaches.

Darling: He wears ’em a little bit like you wore ’em, Keith.

Keith Hernandez: I’ll have to give ’em closer, uh, scrutiny. [Camera shows a close-up of Moyer’s stirrups.] Oh, I liked to wear ’em a little higher. That’s low. That’s minor league ugly.

Cohen: You didn’t have the Liberty Bell on your stirrups.

Hernandez: No. Those are the stirrups they gave you in the minor leagues.

Darling [struggling for something relevant to say]: Is that like coyote ugly? Minor league ugly.
Hernandez [ignoring Darling]: You had the wool uniforms in the minor leagues back in the early ’70s, and they were just itchy. And you were glad to have ’em, trust me, but I hated the stirrups. [As per usual during these hosiery discussions, the camera shows sacred Shea Stadium photo of Jerry Koosman celebrating the last out of the 1969 World Series.] See, that’s closer. I wore ’em a little bit higher than Kooz right there. [Camera now shows file photo of Hernandez’s favorite player.] Ah, there you go.

Cohen: There was a trend for a while there to show none of the top of the stirrup, right? Guys started adding extensions to the bottom so they rose that much higher.

Hernandez: Yes. I never liked that look. When we played for the Cardinals, we had those great socks with the stripes, like the Red Sox. You wanna show the stripes.

Cohen [who has clearly read either Ball Four or Uni Watch]: I guess it was Frank Robinson, wasn’t it, who first started wearing the high stirrups, that just showed white with a stripe on the side?

Darling [utterly lost but trying to sound engaged]: Yes.

Hernandez [also lost]: I think you may be right.

Cohen: Maybe it was someone else before that. I just…

Hernandez [now completely off on the wrong tack]: Was it with Cleveland? Remember those Cleveland uniforms, those red uniforms?

Cohen: Those were awful.

Darling [now barely treading water]: They were hideous!

Cohen: Of course, there were a lot of hideous uniforms in the ’70s. The Pirates…

Hernandez: The bumblebees!

Darling: How about Houston?

Hernandez: Ugh!

Cohen: How about the Padres?

Darling: That’s right, mustard and brown.

Cohen: Mustard and mud!

Hernandez: Contrary to Ron Darling, I love the A’s uniforms, love those swingin’ A’s unis.

[Inning mercifully ends.]

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