Monday, October 1, 2007

We Win!

So here we are...

If you're a normal and avid reader of THOD this will probably be a little different for you, as there will be no slappy pictures or no token cheap shot in this narrative...

For this is one of the most truly HAPPIEST DAYS in some time, not just because my Phillies are the champions of the NL East but because it makes things come together so much easier than income, relationships, jobs, or the whathaveu in life.

For me, it takes me back to days waking up on Sunday morning reading the boxscores wondering how many games the Phillies were back, asking my Dad about the game and what our Phightins need to do to get over that hump.

All of it flashed back you see, when strike three was raised and Chris Coste charged toward the mound in celebration for the first time since I was age 16 and a sophomore and .261 hitter.

What I mean by this is that this playoff baseball brings you that much closer to a perfect world, a world that is good, a world that makes everything else seem so fun, so enjoyable.
For me it really does mean THE HAPPIEST OF DAYS, that catch on the beach, that ground ball in the yard that makes baseball my passion.
For the Phillies won today, and, well for one day, at least one, it makes it all worth while.

So when you read this at work on Monday and you go to your next meeting or take your next phone call remember, you have an escape for at least one more day, a day... in every way.... to believe.

Go Phils!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disargee with the spelling you used for whathaveyou. I do not like the use of the "u". I also dont like when the abreviation M.C. is spelled emmcee.