Thursday, August 30, 2007

Clean Slide?

I was lucky enough to be down at the ballpark last night for the local 9's 3 straight victory over the hated Met.
If you watched the game, you know how it ended... Dumbass and former Phil Marlon Anderson sliding 5 feet off the bag in an attempt to break-up a double-play. Our boy on the scene and the most fit umpire in baseball C.B. Buckner said notsomuch.
Clean Slide? Not this time.
It was after this moment that I stood back in my standing room only seat behind home plate and watched what defines every single garbage Met fan out there.... CRYING.
"But he's allowed to do that," one met turd clad in blue and orange pined, "he can't throw him out!"
Yes he can, and yes he did.
The CRYING only validated my hatred for the Met fan and why they've lived the life that they do, and why there is no other choice for them to cry.
For example all Met fans:
Have scarring, disgusting facial features including zit beards and acne

Have more hair on their back than on their head

Write their names in their underwear
Eat their boogies.

I guess after realizing that, I get it. They're born with it. Fromthe time they come out of the womb, they're just ugly, disgusting people. I found this picture online of this slappy, who claims to be the biggest Met fan on the face of the earth.

If I was a Met fan I'd wake-up every morning and CRY too.
Phils sweep that Mets today beginning at 1:05pm.


Yoder Lee said...

Eyewitness reports from the ballpark after the game include Met fans knocking over trash cans.

quite fitting, really.

Anonymous said...

Ya know Hitler was a Met fan. That's a fact you can look it up.